Me and my friend Casper Michelsen ( ) played around with some matchmoving at the danish film school. Just had some fun after work hours!
At the end of the second year I prepared one of my ideas for the bachelor film project for the third year. Initially I had some ideas that I worked on, but I ended up doing just one pitch completely different than the other ideas I worked on. I hurried to make some beatboards for my pitch, to visualize my story for the class and the panel. To my surprise, the 10 minute drawings made a good impact on the crowd, and laughter filled the room for every picture I switched to.
Here is the “one-sheet” where the idea should be presented with the story plot, synopsis, technical stuff and more drawings for the judges to read.
Here are the drawings I drew (in a way too short time period!) a couple of days before the pitch:
Over the summer I worked on my idea and developed it a bit further. An actionmatic was made to set the mood of the whole idea and spice up my pitch. It was a great success and added a lot to my previous pitch.
The panel and the students liked my project, and are now in the making! I took the role as the Director of the project and am working with 5 CG artists (computer graphic artists) and 3 other animators to make my idea into a 5 minute film. Take a look at the ”Slug Invasion” blog!
Been a year since last update, and now it’s time to show you people out there what I’ve been doing all this time. After the midway test I worked a lot on a bachelor project for the 07 year, “Last Fall”. I animated 9 scenes in total for the film. The project is now done and can be seen on the Animation Workshop site.
It’s recommended to watch the film first so you won’t get any spoilers. My shots are shown on the following link:
While doing animation for the bachelor project, I did only a few assignments we were given. One of the projects was the quadruped project. Animators and CG’s worked together to make a four-legged creature, and we were responsible for rig testing and animating.
Here is a dialogue scene. Voice taken from Warcraft 3.
March 2010, I was a part of “The Danish Academy for Digital Interactive Entertainment” (DADIU – in Danish) game project for a month. Here students from all over Denmark gathered to make small indie games. Directors, projectmanagers, animators, computer graphic artists, designers, programmers, sound designers, game mechanics and level designers gathered into 6 groups to make games. I was in one of the smallest groups (10 people) and I was the only animator in that group. I started out doing concept art after the directions from the director, Troels Cederholm. I continued to help out the CGartist (Blake Overgaard) modeling simple pieces for the levels and UV’mapped and textured some. Rigs were tested, animations were made and added into our game enging, Unity. It was a great project to work on, and the people were very nice and did all they could to get the best result. And result we got! The game entered PAX10 (Penny Arcade Expo 2010) in September.